Freecad: FreeCAD 0.18, a series of 7 videos that present various aspects of architectural modeling, parametric building massing, introducing FreeCAD to architects and Revit users, using sketches and parametric relationships, and comparisons with grasshopper and Catia.UH Studio Design Academy playlists: many videos on architectural design using Blender and FreeCAD, by UH Studio Design Academy.

Arch WB Experience: New Workflow: a series of videos by jpg87, hosted in his own website, which teach users to model walls, roofs, and windows and doors in different positions, with the help of sketches.Then it shows how to export the model to IFC, how to create 2D projections in TechDraw, how to work with quantities and schedules, and finally how to create a rendered view of the project in Blender. The videos demonstrate importing geometry from a DXF file, then go on to draw the walls, the windows, the glass panels, the structural elements and roofs, the floor tiles, the terrain, the footings and the stairs. Barcelona pavilion: FreeCAD 0.18 and 0.19, a series of 17 videos that describes the modeling of the "Barcelona Pavilion" (or "German Pavilion"), a building in Barcelona designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Lilly Reich in 1929.BIM with FreeCAD: FreeCAD 0.17 to 0.19, general videos on BIM and and Arch Workbench, including setup, building walls, windows, using 2D objects, and expressions.BIM with FreeCAD - Introduction: general introduction to FreeCAD 0.17.Presentation of FreeCAD's Arch Workbench: FreeCAD 0.16, presentation for #ODC2016PN.Yorik van Havre playlists: the Arch Workbench main developer has various lists on FreeCAD for building modeling as well as general architecture.Videos that go through modeling of rooms, houses, office buildings, and similar structures, and drawing floor plans, using workbenches such as Draft, Arch, and BIM. A complete, unsorted list of tutorials can be found in Category:Tutorials. Visit tutorials for high quality written tutorials. For other topics, see the general page video tutorials. The tutorials listed here are those that deal with designing rooms, houses, and other buildings which interesting for architects and civil engineers.

Do not add videos made with version 0.16 or older, as these releases are considered obsolete. If a tutorial uses an older version of the program, the general modelling process may still work but some tools may have changed in newer releases. Please pay attention to the version of FreeCAD used in the tutorial.